Treefort Partnership with Capacity Clinic!

Treefort Technologies is excited to announce our partnership with Capacity Clinic!

Who is Capacity Clinic?

Capacity Clinic is a multidisciplinary collaboration of some of the most sought-after capacity evaluators in Canada who have now developed simplified resources and procedures for service providers to more confidently interact with vulnerable decision makers.  For more information or to see how Capacity Clinic can help, visit: or click the link in the Treefort Identity Verification Report.

How did the Capacity Clinic begin?

Nathan Spaling, a lawyer, registered social service worker and former partner of a well-regarded law firm, recognized that there were limited resources available to help him understand if clients had the mental capacity to sign various legal documents (i.e. a house transfer under market value, a Will, a Power of Attorney, a gift, reorganization paperwork etc.). There simply were no formal/mandatory training for lawyers on what to look for in order to identify if a red flag of incapacity existed – this was consistent with other sectors like real estate agents, mortgage brokers, financial advisors etc.  Given the unprecedented increase of people that are expected to be living with conditions, disabilities and complex social dynamics it will become more important to understand the medical and legal related information as we take instructions from our clients in order to reduce future challenges or complications. Often it may take multiple professional disciplines to interpret the information that can impact our decisions, the Capacity Clinic was born to provide these simplified and cost-effective resources from experienced evaluators providing expert evidence to the courts in capacity related disputes. The Capacity Clinic wants to help any service provider or their compliance department interact with vulnerable people with confidence.

Why Treefort has partnered with the Capacity Clinic?

There are at least (2) absolute requirements for every transaction:

  1. verify the person’s identity; and
  2. ensure no reasonable grounds of incapacity exist.

If a lawyer or a business does not take sufficient diligence in either of these areas, it can lead to misuse, fraud, reputational damage, losses of all kind etc.

There has been a surge of fraud and misuse targeting seniors and vulnerable people that may not be captured using conventional intake processes. The collaboration between Treefort and Capacity Clinic intends to bolster these complex Know Your Client requirements by providing access to a leading-edge resource like the Capacity Clinic to support incapacity related concerns.

Our Co-Founder & CLO, Jay Krushell, said it best: “In addition to verifying identity, a lawyer must assess a client’s mental capacity. Assessing capacity is not easy and, on occasion, lawyers need to involve professionals to conduct that assessment. Because of that, we are very excited to launch our partnership with the Capacity Clinic which offers “best in class” assessment tools that lawyers can, and should, use whenever a client’s mental capacity is in question.”