How Businesses can Repel the Hacker Horde Targeting Websites!

In the digital age, websites serve as the fortresses of our online presence, while hackers have become the modern-day invaders. Unfortunately, these cyber adversaries are growing in number and sophistication, indiscriminately targeting websites of all kinds. Their methods are increasingly effective, with tactics such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, where a network of compromised computers floods your website with traffic, overwhelming your server and shutting down your site. Other attacks are more covert, such as Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking, where intruders use tunneling techniques to compromise network activity, potentially taking down your hosting server, redirecting clients to fraudulent sites, stealing data, and enabling further DDoS attacks.

However, you can take steps to strengthen your defenses and protect your website from these threats:

Protect Your Domain Names: Set up automatic renewals for your domain names, and mark renewal dates on your calendar to ensure they are not missed.

Purchase an SSL/TLS Certificate: Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypts data transmitted between your website and a web browser. It also authenticates your website, ensuring communication is secure. A TLS certificate will also display a lock icon and the HTTPS:// prefix in the browser, signaling to visitors that your site is secure. This is increasingly important as browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge now warn users that an HTTP:// website is not secure, which can negatively impact your business.

Deploy Endpoint Security Tools: Tools like Google Chrome Enterprise and Microsoft Intune help protect all devices used by your employees, such as laptops and smartphones. These tools ensure that employees use a secure browser and that security updates are automatically deployed.

Establish an Incident Management Process: Just as a castle needs a fallback plan in case of a breach, your business should have a process in place to respond to successful cyberattacks.

By taking these precautions, you can fortify your digital fortress and safeguard your website against the increasing threat of cyberattacks.

Kim Krushell
